
Modern XHTML website test -

Production info

  • Client: Hobby app
  • Contribution: application development
  • Software used: Text editor

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This is a modern landing page, but it’s written using valid XHTML 1.1 Strict — a form of HTML most people have left behind. Even so, this makes use of relatively modern CSS features (custom properties, chrome’s backdrop-filter) as well as some of the more recent JS features.

Through this page I discovered the difference in how the browser handles Content-Type. Using application/xhtml+xml, with an “xhtml” extension, the page is rendered using the XML renderer. The CSS does not block renders here. The usual text/html on the other hand, will block rendering until the CSS is fully loaded. In my opinion, that might be another reason why people apply the content type of text/html even if technically it’s only possible for compatibility.