
"Kerinci 2022" tourism web app -

Production info

  • Client: Compfest 14 entry
  • Contribution: front end, back end (recommendation engine)
  • Software used: Text editor

View application Front end code Back end code

This was a team submission for the AI Innovation Challenge in the 2022 edition of Compfest (held by the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia).

This application is a recommendation and itinerary web app for touring the Kerinci Regency. It promotes the tourism potential of the regency, which has distinctive but lesser-known destinations. The recommendation engine uses K-means clustering to determine the similarity of different destinations based on their description, with the aim of recommending similar destinations based on mood and needs.

The back end portion (which contains the recommendation engine and main app logic) is no longer online, however this front end UI can still be viewed in limited capacity. The application may be containerized soon.

The front end is driven by React.js and makes use of Tailwind CSS, while the back end is managed in Django. The recommendation engine uses scikit-learn for K-means fitting and Sastrawi to stem words for tokenization.